Configure logical names for easy recognition

    Control outputs remotely

    The relays can be loaded

    Control outputs remotely

    Receive notifications when an output is switched

    Control outputs remotely

    Setting Outputs

    The GSM-PRO2 module has Change Over contacts which cannot only use as potential free contact, but also loaded up to 5A/230VAC per output. The output can be controlled via the CONTA-SUPERVISON IoT Portal/App, GSM-PRO2 App, SMS command or by a phone call. The GSM-PRO2 has the ability to send a confirmation message with a free configurable text. The output can be switched on/off or as a pulse output. The duration of the pulse is free configurable.


    For this case the output follows the input. In case an input is in digital mode and changes from 0 to 1 the relay output will also change from normally closed to normally open.


    Control the output via the CONTA-SUPERVISION IoT portal/App or GSM-PRO2 App or send a SMS command. Next to this the output can be controlled by a phone call. Each output has the possibility to set an operating hours counter.


    Call us at +31 495 566 046 or fill in the contact form.